Human Resources Management

Program Tanıtımı

İçinde bulunduğumuz 21. Yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerin karşı karşıya bulunduğu en önemli sorunlardan biri, işsizliktir. Türkiye, yetişmiş yeni iş gücünün önemli bir kısmı için, iş bulma olanakları kısıtlı olan bir ülkedir. Bugün dünyamız, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki baş döndürücü gelişmelerin ortaya çıkardığı bilgi toplumu süreçlerini yaşamaktadır. Bu gelişmelerle eş zamanlı olarak, mal, hizmet ve bilginin dolaşmasında sınırları ortadan kaldıran küreselleşme, rekabeti de ulusal boyutlardan, küresel boyutlara taşımıştır.

Bilginin ve iletişim teknolojilerinin etkin kullanımının başarının tek koşulu haline gelmesi, mesleki anlamda eğitim gören bütün öğrencilerin eğitime ve iş hayatına bakışını önemli ölçüde değiştirmektedir. Bugün eğitim, okul duvarlarının dışına taşmış ve hayat boyu devam edecek bir süreç şeklini almıştır. Bu anlamda İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi’ni profesyonel bir uğraş alanı olarak seçen meslek mensuplarının da sadece ülke koşullarında değil, küresel boyutta iş üretecek, görev üstlenecek bir yetkinlik düzeyine ulaşmaları son derece önemli olmuştur.

Human Resource Management is one of the newly developing professions in our country. The main purpose of the training is to equip people with the knowledge that they can understand the world better, understand it, be useful to the world and guide it. The information obtained for this reason should not only be a solution to the problems of the present world, but also a solution to the problems of the business and social life of the future. The Human Resources label is now becoming a norm in the workplace; organizations have a broader scope and a strategic role called "personnel" that people identify with only recruitment.

Therefore, every area in our country needs qualified human resources that are qualified and qualified to serve the needs of these sectors in the most appropriate way to meet the needs of the sectors. In the Vocational High School, the Human Resources Management Program will contribute to this need both at the national level and at the local level. It is to train intermediate staff with the basic principles, strategies and techniques of contemporary human resources management and equipped with analytical thinking, problem solving and decision making abilities.

Those who want to study in the Human Resources program will improve their communication skills, their good human relations, their ability to work in teams, their ability to speak and persuade.

The Human Resources Management Program is a four-semester higher education program aimed at raising human resources specialists with sufficient knowledge and equipment to be employed in the selection and management of staff in each and every step of the organization of the company in the public and private sector, in the most productive, efficient and most appropriate manner. Human Resource Management is one of the newly developing professions in our country.

Student Opportunities

In our program there are 25 classes for courses to be carried out. Each class has 72 square meters of space. Each class has a capacity of 60 students and has a projection device at 6th grade. There are 4 computer laboratories which are 72 square meters in size and at the same time 30 students can be trained. In addition, there are two amphitheaters in the area of ​​130 square meters and 125 students can use.

The college library has been arranged and the books and resources have been completed at the number and capacity to support our program.

There are a total of 1602 professional books for use in the department in the Library without Vocational High School, all of which are in press after 1990 and beyond.

In Simav there is also a Dormitory for Girls and Boys with a capacity of 500 people for Girls and Boys.

It has sufficient infrastructure and capacity to maintain the education of all programs due to the building without high school, and the school has local and environmental support which is the biggest need.

The students who will be studying in our program will be able to fulfill the internship requirements within the district or during the holiday period according to the regulation provisions of the internship. Students can practice in all sectors that serve in the public-private sector.

Horizontal and Vertical Transit Facilities

Programs that can be transferred horizontally
• Banking and Insurance,
•Foreign trade,
• Real Estate and Property Management,
•Management of health institutions,
• Business Administration (Turkish-English),
•Accounting and tax practices,
•Tourism and hotel Management,
• Vertical Switching Programs
• Labor Economics and Industrial Relations
•Human Resources Management
• Business
•Public administration
•Political Science
•Political science and public administration

Graduation and Employment Conditions

Those who have completed the Human Resources program are given the title of Professional Personnel. Human Resource Professionals make training plans with human resources planning, human resources flooring and selection, performance management, wage and salary management, setting up a proposal and reward system, worker health and work safety practices.

They can work in human resources management, personnel and administrative affairs, industry associations and education units of public institutions and private organizations.

They can work independently to provide services and counseling related to Human Resources management application. They can take an active role in private employment offices.

Human Resource Management is one of the newly developing professions in our country. The main purpose of the training is to equip people with the knowledge that they can understand the world better, understand it, be useful to the world and guide it. The information obtained for this reason should not only be a solution to the problems of the present world, but also a solution to the problems of the business and social life of the future. The Human Resources label is now becoming a norm in the workplace; organizations have a broader scope and a strategic role called "personnel" that people identify with only recruitment.

Therefore, every area in our country needs qualified human resources that are qualified and qualified to serve the needs of these sectors in the most appropriate way to meet the needs of the sectors. In the Vocational High School, the Human Resources Management Program will contribute to this need both at the national level and at the local level.

Contribution to Economy; The program, which aims to educate the qualified personnel who can work in the supply and organization of the human resources of the aimed sectors today, where every decision to be taken in the public and private sector is very important, is aimed at economic development, strengthening the communication between all kinds of organizations (civil society organizations, local governments, it will reduce the time loss of all the organizations in the business and social world and make the work more productive on the road to establishing a prosperous society, determining the agenda and the future.
 Additon of locality; Students graduated from the Human Resources Management program will be able to find jobs easily in the provinces and districts in municipalities, private administrations, private sector or those who want them. In today's business world, the importance of human resource supply and organization will increase and make the job areas of graduates its graduates important. Students who have graduated from the Human Resources Management department are in charge of general management of the private sector and public institutions, Human Resources Management, personnel management, research and development, and administrators at every level.

Last Update Date: 03 November 2023, Friday